What Are The Best Vitamins To Take After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
When you are considering Gastric Bypass, there are many things that you need to remember. Since you will have a decrease in food intake, you will need to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and nutrients to keep your body healthy and strong. So, what are the best vitamins to take after gastric bypass surgery?

What Are The Best Vitamins To Take After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
After you have has gastric bypass surgery, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can to recover quickly and start your life in a healthy direction. This includes making plans to get the best vitamins for your body.
Why Do I Need to Take Vitamins After Bariatric Surgery
After you have bariatric surgery, your food intake is cut dramatically. This can make it hard to get the vitamins you need. In addition to the decreased food intake, there is also a change in the way your body absorbs vitamins and minerals. In order to prevent nutrient deficiencies, you will want to take liquid vitamins and minerals supplements daily.
The Most Important Vitamins for Bariatric Patients
So what are the most important vitamins for bariatric patients? Since the body processes the vitamins differently after weight loss surgery, it is important to make sure that you are adding in certain vitamins and minerals. Specifically, you need to add iron, B12, calcium and vitamin D.
You should take a multivitamin daily. Look for one that has at least 18 mg of iron. Make sure you are getting 1500 mg of calcium a day to prevent bone density loss. To make sure you are getting the best absorption possible, split the dosage of calcium between 3 doses a day. Do not mix the calcium and iron together since iron can have an effect on calcium absorption. To make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D, you will want to take 800 to 1000 IU daily. It is best to take this in 2 doses and take them at the same time you take the calcium. You can also opt for a vitamin that is calcium and Vitamin D together. The last vitamin you want to make sure you are getting enough of is Vitamin B. You can take this as 500 mg daily or as a monthly injection.
When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamins?
When the best time to take vitamins depends on the vitamins you are taking. Some are best to take after a meal while other vitamins are best on an empty stomach.
Fat-soluble vitamins, like Vitamin D, is best taken with a meal that contains saturated fats and oil. The fat is needed to carry the vitamins through the bloodstream.
Water-soluble vitamins like, all of the Vitamin B vitamins, are best to take on an empty stomach. You will want to take these first thing in the morning, or 30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after a meal.
What Are Liquid Vitamins?
Liquid vitamins are exactly as it sounds. These are vitamins that are in liquid form. There is a large advantage to taking liquid vitamins.
- Liquid vitamins are easier to swallow. This is a benefit when you are recovering.
- Liquid vitamins and supplements are more easily broken down and this makes it easier for your body to absorb.
- Liquid vitamins are the best choice for bariatric patients.
Of course, while these are great guidelines for the best vitamins and supplements, it is important to talk with your doctor before adding anything to your diet. You will want to double check what the doctor wants you to add to your diet and this includes vitamin supplements.

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